Chantry Lodge No. 4065

Lodge History

Chantry Lodge No. 4065 is a Lodge in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding, warranted by The United Grand Lodge of England and is a patron of the Grand Charity. Warranted and consecrated in 1920, Chantry was the fourth Lodge established in Wakefield Lodge and has now been in existence for over 100 years.  It is a very friendly and welcoming Lodge with a modern outlook on Freemasonry, whilst staying true to the traditions that have helped Chantry to thrive through the years. 

Regular Lodge Meetings

Chantry Lodge holds their regular meetings at 6:30pm on the second Thursday of every month, with the exception of June to August due to the summer recess.  The Lodge starts its Masonic year in March with the Installation of the new Master and Officers.

During the regular meetings the business of the Lodge is conducted, including any degree ceremonies.  This is where we initiate, pass or raise Masons to the next degree of their Masonic career. Our members are happy to get involved in ceremonies and deliver ritual. Newer members are encouraged to get involved during ceremonies but without any pressure applied while the more experienced are always happy to stand in or assist when required.

Lodge Practice Nights

Aside from regular Lodge nights, we also have practice nights to prepare for ceremonies, brush up on ritual and for newer members who would like to be involved to learn in a relaxed environment. Practice nights, also known as Lodges of Instruction, take place at 7pm on all other Thursdays of the month, with the exception of the last Thursday.

Lodge Membership

The membership of Chantry Lodge consists of people of all different age ranges and from all walks of life.  Our youngest ever member was 21, and our eldest in his 90’s.  We have people from a range of professions and we are not a speciality Lodge, meaning we welcome people from all backgrounds.

We ask all members to attend as many meetings, both regular and practice nights as possible.  In Freemasonry we always say the more you put in, the more you will get out of it.  We have a Lodge Mentor who will work with new members to help advance their knowledge of Masonry.  The new member is also supported in his journey by his proposer and seconder, but ultimately we are all there to help each other with knowledge. 

All new members are encouraged to be involved with various aspects of the Lodge, both inside and outside the Lodge room.  Ultimately, we understand that different people move at different paces and therefore we work with each member in a way that is comfortable to them and helps them get the most out of their Masonic career.

Membership Costs

The Lodge charges each member an annual fee of £250 which is payable on Jan 1st every year. This charge includes membership of the United Grand Lodge of England, membership of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire West Riding and membership of Chantry Lodge.

During regular Lodge meetings we have a festive board where a 4-course meal is provided. Each member is charged £15 per meal.

A large part of being a Freemason is charity. We invite all members to donate whatever they are comfortable with towards Masonic charities, which can be arranged through the Lodge Charity Officer.

Ideal Candidate

We would encourage any man over 18, who lives his life according to a set of values and who has a belief in a Supreme Being, to contact us. We will also welcome any existing Freemason looking to join a new Lodge. As with all Freemasonry, neither religion nor politics are discussed at meetings. We seek as members those who can commit to a regular attendance at Lodge meetings and who wish to contribute to the life and work of the Lodge itself. We are particularly interested in candidates who can enhance our reputation for the ceremonial aspects of Freemasonry.


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