Lodge of Sincerity No. 1019

We warmly welcome you to the Lodge of Sincerity No. 1019!

We hope that you enjoy reading these few words which will give you a (very) brief overview of the Lodge, it’s history and membership. Please feel free to contact us for more information or if you wish to enquire about joining us.

Our foundation

By 1863 there were 2 Lodges meeting in Wakefield, Unanimity Lodge No. 154 and it’s own daughter Lodge, the Wakefield Lodge No. 495. At this time Wakefield Lodge had a burgeoning  membership, and so a petition was successfully put forward to found a new Lodge.

The warrant was duly issued by Grand Lodge in London, and in June 1864, The Lodge of Sincerity No. 1019 was consecrated, becoming the third Lodge in Wakefield. Since then, the Lodge has grown and developed into a friendly, relaxed and active Lodge which takes it’s Masonry seriously and with great enjoyment.

Our meetings

The Lodge of Sincerity meets at Zetland Street, on the third Wednesday of the months of September through to May. We start at 6.30pm except in December when we start earlier to install our newly elected Master for the following year. During our meetings, we welcome our visitors from other Lodges, and undertake the thought provoking ceremonies required to admit and progress new members.

The remaining Wednesdays are given over to our Lodge of Instruction or Practice nights, where we rehearse and perfect our ceremonies so that our new members enjoy a moving and memorable start to their journey in Freemasonry. We also have an attached Royal Arch Chapter for established Masons who wish to continue their Masonic journey.

Our membership

We currently have a membership of around 30, ranging in age from the 30’s and into the 80’s. Our members are drawn from all walks of life, from businessmen and owners, to educators, Police and the NHS, but all share a set of common values which include integrity, friendship, respect and service. Members pay a yearly subscription fee of £240, and a 3 course meal following our monthly meetings costs £15. We also usually hold a charity raffle with a variety of prizes which is very well supported.

The Lodge also holds several social events each year, including our popular Ladies Evening in February, where the members of our Lodge get to say a big thank you to their partners for their support over the year. We also hold events during the summer and at Christmas, again open to partners, family, friends and non-masons.

Our fundraising

Raising money for charitable purposes is a cornerstone of Freemasonry and the Lodge is proud to be a Grand Patron of the Grand Charity. We have been delighted to be able to support many local causes both by direct fund raising and by sponsoring applications to the main Masonic charities. We  encourage our members to donate regularly to our Masonic charities, but our Charity Steward ensures that no member gives more than they can reasonably afford!

Our future

As a Lodge, we are keen to preserve our heritage and traditions, whilst at the same time recognising the changing world in which we live. Thus, we look positively to the future and will adapt to the needs of our members, while keeping the heart of our Lodge the same as it has been for 160 years.

We are keen to hear from potential new members, irrespective of creed, colour or religion, who we believe will embrace our aims and objectives, and thus make a positive contribution to the future of our Lodge. So, if you are 21 years or older, have a belief in a Supreme Being, are a good citizen and wish to actively improve yourself, we would be delighted to hear from you!


Find out more about Freemasonry in Wakefield