Richard Linnecar Lodge No. 6413

A Brief History of the Lodge

Dramatist Richard Linnecar was born in Wakefield and was a member of the Lodge of Unanimity No. 202 (now 154)  which still meets at Zetland Street, Wakefield. In  Linnecar’s day, the Lodge met at the George and Crown Inn which stood near the present day Red Bar, Elliott’s Bar and The Supper Club.

So valued was he that a Lodge was consecrated in his honour- the Richard Linnecar Lodge No. 6413.

Interestingly, Unanimity Lodge and Richard Linnecar Lodge both meet on Mondays at the same building. Linnecar’s portrait hangs above the door to the dining room at Wakefield Masonic Hall.

Our Meetings

The Richard Linnecar Lodge meets at Zetland Street, on the 2nd of the month of September through to March excluding April. Our meetings open at 6.30pm except in March when we start earlier to install our newly elected Master for the following year. We are pleased to welcome visitors from other Lodges and hold various ceremonies, some of which are required to admit and progress new members.

On the last Monday in the month we hold our Practice night, where we learn, rehearse and perfect our ceremonies which will often involves new members moving through the various degrees in their journey through Freemasonry. Other practice nights can be arranged to suit our needs.

Our Membership

We currently have a membership of around 30 covering all. As in all Freemasons Lodges our members are drawn from all walks of life, from businessmen and owners, to educators, Police and the NHS, but all share a set of common values which include integrity, friendship, respect and service. Members pay a yearly subscription fee of £205, and enjoy a 4 course meal following our monthly meetings costing only £15

The Lodge also holds social events throughout the year, including a Ladies Evening in December where the members of our Lodge get to thank their partners for their support over the year. We also hold events during the summer and at Christmas, which are very popular and are open to partners, family, friends and non-masons.


Raising money for charitable purposes is a cornerstone of Freemasonry and the Lodge is proud to be a Grand Patron of the Grand Charity. We have been delighted to be able to support many local causes both by direct fundraising and by sponsoring applications to the main Masonic charities. We encourage our members to donate regularly to our Masonic charities, but our Charity Steward ensures that no member gives more than they can reasonably afford!

Our Future

We are keen to hear from potential new members, irrespective of creed, colour or religion, who we believe will embrace our aims and objectives, and thus make a positive contribution to the future of our Lodge. So, if you are 21 years or older, have a belief in a Supreme Being, are a good citizen and wish to actively improve yourself, we would be delighted to hear from you.


Find out more about Freemasonry in Wakefield